
Performance is also known as tests, projects, presentations, etc.  It accounts for 80% of a student's final grade.

Students and Guardians will constantly receive emails reminding them of unit tests and updated information.  Students also have a calendar in class that will have the test dates projected in the future.

The school requires students to receive a minimum of 75% on their Performance tasks.  If a student does not reach 75%, they are required to retake. 

In order to retake, students must:
-Have all homework turned in (if missing, they will not get credit but still must do it)
-Meet with me to see if any extra is needed
-Set up a date to retake (must be within two weeks of the test)

Again, check StudentVUE or ParentVUE to keep up to date.  You will see big red letters saying what would need to be retaken!